Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Home coming Gift: One Republic Love Runs Out Video is OUT!

Home coming Gift: One Republic Love Runs Out Video is OUT!

To listen to this awesome song please click the link below:

So I just got home from my Central Luzon exploring adventures for my on-the-job-training program and this is what awaits me when I opened my YouTube account after a very looooooong time of no internet connection in the province (Yes 2 weeks can feel that long). Ta-daa! One republic Love Runs Out Official Video is out! I have been waiting for their official music video because I know for sure this wonderful song will be a big hit like their "Counting Stars" in their Native Album. There's really something about their music that makes it so catchy and gives you that last song syndrome. The meaning of the song is also wonderful (much love for Ryan Tedder's  genius lyrics composition) and there are a lot of symbols in their music video. Some says that their music video is weird but I guess that's what makes them amazing. All of these non-comprehensive symbols and visual depictions is what makes them One Republic.

Let's talk about the symbols that caught me while watching Love Runs Out music video.

1.) The Fallen Book

I believe that this is not just a book that has fallen to match the beat of the song but rather it is a representation of the words from the bible falling at once for us. Remember that Ryan Tedder's upbringing is from a family of preachers and Christians. If you remove the perspective that this is a song about a guy that loves a women and replace it with the thought that this song is a message from God for us "I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun", It kinda make sense and fit the lyrics too.

2.) The Old Lady

I have read some of the YouTube comments about this old pretty lady and coined the term "Ryan Tedder with a cougar" . Well, I would like to say in behalf of One Republic fans that this is supposed to be her mother. Yes, that's probably his mom and putting a representation of his mom in this music video made me fall more in love with Ryan Tedder.

3.) The Fake Sea

The fake sea in this music video was said to be intentional. This got me thinking because somehow I can't come up with the reason why would they put a plastic sea in their video. But I guess this was placed in their music video to add feel to the music. It's just a visual representation of a stormy love full of trials. Yet I believe that the sea represents something more deep and unending.

4.) The Two Horse

What horses good at? Running. I guess this is self explanatory :)

5.) Sunset or Sunrise?

Out of the whole Love Runs Out music video experience I could not fathom if the setting is sunset or sunrise. Then I realized that when loving someone you don't care about the time, you don't care if it's already sunset or sunrise and you don't care no matter how many sunset or sunrise passed. Days, months, years, doesn't matter. You don't stop loving someone because the truth is the love never runs out.

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