Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Yesterday was my sister's birthday so we decided to celebrate it by watching Transformers: Age of Extinction. I just like to announce first that this is the only transformers movie that I have watched in my entire life (yes, I know I missed so much in my life and what a loser I can be) and by far this is the best experience ever! It was the best thing to do this birthday weekend of my sister. So my advice to everyone who haven't seen it yet, watch it! Now!

They are really not exaggerating when they say that this is the "#1 Movie in the World!" because man that sure is for real. I felt it when I was on the verge of my seat and clutching my fist when the autobots fight. I was so amazed when the autobots showed up and for the first time, I saw Optimus Prime. We had a connection and boom! I swear I would watched and marathon all of the transformers movie. This is so amazing. Actually, my sister had already watched this movie with her coworkers the day before but since she couldn't get over it she decided she would watched it again with me so i can relate to her excitement about this film. We watched it 3D in the Eastwood Cinema and you can tell that everyone enjoyed it as much as we because they just couldn't stop talking about how their heart stop when this scenario happened or how awesome and exciting that dinosaurs autobots are here. Yes, you heard me right. There are freaking dinosaurs autobots in Transformers Age of Extinction! How cool is that! the picture below is the part where Optimus Prime gets to talk and convince the ancient autobots that looks like dinosours to fight with them.

I really can't get over to the plot of the story. I felt really helpless when all the stupid human race are tracking them down and killing them in a sick way. They are autobots! They are Optimus Prime and Bumblebee and the other cool autobots who are protecting humans for how long I don't know (Yeah you know the reason why). However, not only the humans are after them, some other alien robot I don't know who are after Optimus Prime too. There is also Galvatron who really is just  Megatron in a different form which is more revolutionized and innovated due to those mad scientist. There are so many enemies yet they are like about only five autobots including Optimus Prime and Bumblebee who are willing to protect earth! This really made me so worried sick on how they're gonna fight all of those twisted freaks!

The fighting scene in this movie is insane! I was like waving my hand in the air when Optimus Prime pulled out the sword out of his chest and swing it over to the enemy's body slicing him in half. I don't know why I did that. Maybe I just thought that it would help him.

I say this is really the best, timeless, classic, never-out-of-the-season movie. I hope they would never stop producing Transformers! I'd really, really love to watch this awesomenes and coolest movie!

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