Monday, September 1, 2014

Busy Body

Too busy to function

I'm so sorry I haven't updated my blog for the whole month of August because I was too preoccupied with the start our of thesis sampling in Marinduque. My body was so used and abused by all the mode of transportation we used just to get to our sampling site. We must literally cross seven mountains just to get to our sampling site (the Hinapulan river)!!! I couldn't comfortably move my body for ten (10) to twelve (12) travel hours we had. I didn't just experience this painstaking thesis adventure once but we went through the whole process twice in a row. This is because we have to go there first to ask for the permission of the municipality officials to conduct our study there which happened last last week and we have to go back again last week in order to really conduct out study and get our samples from the river. Take note that this is not the only thing that's happening in my life right now. Besides our thesis, we also had  a lot of other major subjects that requires tons of your time and attention to understand all the lessons. After I just got home from the two weeks of travelling to and from Manila-Marinduque and vice versa, even before I had a chance to breathe, we had our midterms and written take home exam in human anatomy and physiology (which took me all-night just to pull off a 20 pages back to back paper), long quiz and problem set and special problem defense/presentation in animal physiology (yeah lots of physiology thing going on), quiz in genetics and tomorrow exam in economic biology. Actually right now I feel that I'm actually forgetting something important that I have to do. But anyway, before I'm a student who is under a lot of stress and pressure, I'm also a teenager who is in the last year of "teenhood" (if that's how you call youngsterz this days) so I always hang out with my college best friends (who are the best people in the world!), my high school buddies (crazy guys!) and my best friend (special mention to sis ❤ ). I just couldn't manage my time anymore. But not today. Today I was absent from my genetic class but I was able to take a rest, be in the internet all day and write in my blog which is nice!

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